Benjamin West wrote:

So if the user stays on the line, the php script never blocks or
hangs, and the phone call terminates correctly, including the php
However, if the user hangs up the phone, your php script never times
out because it gets stuck in a state that doesn't count towards time
OK can you explain what you mean by "script never blocks"?

That doesn't make any sense does it?  Lets say the state that doesn't
count is accessing a database, or a system call.  Why would your
script get stuck in this state? What about executing a database query
or executing a system() is dependent on the user being on the line in
order to return to php execution?  For example, your script is off
querying a database, the user hangs up in the midst of it, and then
your script should finish the query, possibly block on a write/read
via AGI and then timeout as documented.  In order for what you're
saying to be true, it would have to go something like the following:
script makes database query, user hangs up, script is stuck in
database query only because the use hung up.  Something about that
scenario doesn't make sense.

The script operates normally call from the commandline or if I take the loop out.




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