Getting the proper version of MPG123 (v0.59r) setup under OS X was
unusually complicated for me.  Sorry for pestering the list with the
MP3Player() issues I kept posting about.  Your inbox will be happy to
know that I finally got the correct file at:

What I did was: 
(1) First, download the installer at:
(2) un-tar/gzip the resulting file
(3) cntrl+clicked on the resulting 'mpg123-0.59r.pkg' and selected
"Show Package Contents"
(4) navigated to the file 'mpg123'
(5) finally, copied 'mpg123' to the directory /usr/bin/ 

Apparently, I attempted this with incorrect builds every other time I
tried this and the good news is now it finally worked (as you can see
I didn't even trust installers this time.)

I wanted to be sure to share this in the event anyone else stumbled
into this issue down the road.
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