> On 11 Jul 2017, at 23:26, Laurent Mazuel via Async-sig <async-sig@python.org> 
> wrote:
> Hello,

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> My first prototype was to split and return a tuple (resource, coroutine):
>    obj, optional_poller = client.create(**parameters)
>    obj = await optional_poller # OPTIONAL
> But I got a warning if I decide to do not use this poller, RuntimeWarning: 
> coroutine 'foo' was never awaited 
> I was surprised honestly that I can't do that, since I feel like I'm not 
> leaking anything. I didn't run the operation, so there is no wasted resource 
> at my knowledge. But I remember wasting time because of a forgotten "yield 
> from", so I guess it's fair 😊. But I would be curious to understand what I 
> did badly.

The assumption in asyncio, generally speaking, is that you do not create 
coroutines you do not care about running. This is both for abstract theoretical 
reasons (if you don’t care if the coroutine is run or not, why not just 
optimise your code to never create the coroutine and save yourself the CPU 
cycles?) and for more concrete practical concerns (coroutines may own system 
resources and do cleanup in `finally` blocks, and if you don’t await a 
coroutine then you’ll never reach the `finally` block and so will leak system 

Given that there’s no computational way to be sure that *not* running a 
coroutine is safe (hello there halting problem), asyncio takes the pedantic 
model and says that not running a coroutine is a condition that justifies a 
warning. I think asyncio’s position here is correct, incidentally.

> 2- Return my initial object with an async method. This allows me to write 
> (something finally close to the current code):
>    async_poller = client.create(**parameters)
>    obj = async_poller.resource() # Get the initial resource information, but 
> the object is not actually created yet. 
>    obj = await async_poller.result() # OPTIONAL
> My async_poller object being something like:
>    class PollerOperation:
>         async def result(self):
>              ...async version of previous sync result()...
> So the questions are:
> - Does this seem a correct pattern?

Yes. This is the simple map to your old API, and is absolutely what I’d 
recommend doing in the first instance if you want to use coroutines.

> - Is there a simple way to achieve something like this:
>    obj = await async_poller
> meaning, I can win the "result()" syntax and directly "await" on the object 
> and get the result from magic function. I tried by subclassing some ABC 
> coroutine/awaitable, but wasn't able to find a correct syntax. I'm not even 
> sure this makes sense and respects the zen of Python 😊

There are a few other patterns you could use.

The first is to return a Future, and just always run the “polling” function in 
the background to resolve that future. If the caller doesn’t care about the 
result they can just ignore the Future, and if they do care they can await on 
it. This has the downside of always requiring the I/O to poll, but is otherwise 
pretty clean.

Another option is to offer two functions, for example `def resource_nowait()` 
and `async def resource`. The caller can decide which they want to call based 
on whether they care about finding out the result. This is the clearest 
approach that doesn’t trigger automatic extra work like the Future does, and it 
lacks magic: it’s very declarative. This is a nice approach for keeping things 

Finally, you can create a magic awaitable object. PEP 492 defines several ways 
to create an “awaitable”, but one approach is to use what it calls a 
“Future-like object”: that is, one with a __await__ method that returns an 
iterator. In this case, you’d do a very basic extension of the Future object by 
triggering the work upon the call of __await__ before delegating to the normal 
behaviour. This is an annoyingly precise thing to do, though technically 

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