On 25 August 2011 16:07, Alex Hacker <hac...@epn.ru> wrote:

>> I think the best thing to do is engage some of the Atheros developers
>> directly, rather than on the mailing list.
>> Since you have a licence to tinker with this kind of stuff, you're
>> allowed to, but this may give others (who don't have an amateur
>> licence) the same idea. :)
>> Adrian

> Hello everybody,
> Yeah, some people (like U.. teens) sell this idea on the open market. :)

Hah. Why doesn't that surprise me.

> Actually you need only a half of hour to find that synth VCO can QSY
> 2272..3000 (11g) and 3500..6400 (11a). This is a 'Secret de Polichinelle'...
> 73!

I've heard stories too of people blowing things up when trying to set
the synth frequencies too far out of whack.

Anyway, OP: contact me privately and I'll start a thread with some
other developers to see if we can help you out.

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