On Thursday, January 27, 2005, at 11:04 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
Recent reading, including this response, is leading me to believe that I'd misunderstood @type="XHTML". Questions:
1) Clearly, this cannot appear in an Atom feed, because © is not an XML entity:
<content type="XHTML">&copy;</content>
What about this?
<content type="XHTML"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>&copy;</div></content>

Neither are well formed XML. Invoking a namespace does not implicitly provide you with additional entities. Using the XHTML DTD (not recommended in this case) woulld.

Ah yes, of course. It's amazing how obvious things can be the instant they're explained even slightly.

So, what limitations are we running into with @type="XHTML"?

1) Can't use non-XML entities.
2) Can't use CSS classes and IDs--this is true of @type="HTML" too, of course.

Any others? Any solutions? Do we WANT to solve these? Not in version 1.0?

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