On Tuesday, February 1, 2005, at 01:05 PM, Antone Roundy wrote:
-2: PaceFeedRecursive w/ indirection at atom:feed, atom:entry, and atom:content
Potentially unlimited recursion, and potentially significantly more connections required to get a feed. This may not be a big deal to applications that don't hand of HTML content to some widget for handling, and thus have to handle the details of loading images and such themselves, but for applications that do, it's much simpler to be able to get everything that they need to manipulate with one request and be done with it. We already have indirection for <content>, which I personally would be happier without. I'd like to avoid adding more.

Having looked at PaceEntriesElement, my perspective on this has changed slightly--indirection at atom:feed would be good, but by using link, not recursive feeds. The blog post and comments use case is indeed one that isn't addressed by the current draft. I think that building the ability to stuff a whole hierarchical forum into a recursive feed into the core format would add an unnecessary burden of complexity for people who just want flat feeds like what we've been working with to this point. Linking to a feed of comments from an entry (whether a blog or forum post) would be a simple way to enable such hierarchical organization without making the format more complex. So, rather than this:

                        <content />
                                <entry />
                                <entry />
                <entry />
                <entry />

You could do this:

                <content />
                <link rel="comments" type="application/atom+xml" ... />
        <entry />
        <entry />


        <entry />
        <entry />

That's been suggested before, but for some reason hasn't been pursued vigorously enough to get into the current draft. What's missing is that the content of the entry that's at the top of the second feed is missing from the feed. According to my mental model of a feed, the correct thing to do would be to put something like <link rel="about" href="URL of entry" /> into feed 2's head. But that would be too inconvenient, so I'd rather allow atom:content and atom:summary in atom:feed for these cases.

And lest anyone say "See! A feed is an entry!", I still don't see it that way. Instead, I see this as a convenient way to spawn a feed related to an entry when appropriate, and a feed has been given some of the attributes of an entry for convenience.

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