On 4/2/05 2:06 PM, "Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you removed the ability to have entries within the feeds in
> aggregation documents, I'm in. PaceHeadInEntry covers a fundamentally
> different task.
> A collection of feeds would be something like a list of blogs about a
> certain topic? You get all the information you need in the feed-head,
> and supplying entries is fairly redundant. Essentially supplying recent
> entries from those feeds would be extra metadata about the feed.

I think the purpose of PaceAggregationDocument is to provide a means to
subscribe to an intermediary aggregator like pubsub, and thus receive

A collection of feeds for the purpose of a blog roll (ie. no entries) can be
modelled in atom as it currently stands - each entry is descriptive about
some resource, being a feed, and you'd just have a <link rel=alternate /> to
the feed itself.


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