On Feb 4, 2005, at 12:29 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

At 2:56 PM -0500 2/4/05, Bob Wyman wrote:
Although I can't find it specified in the current draft, there used
to be a rule that you weren't supposed to use the same atom:id more than
once in a single feed.

The current draft says:

5.8  "atom:id" Element

   The "atom:id" element is an Identity construct that conveys a
   permanent, universally unique identifier for an entry.  atom:entry
   elements MUST contain exactly one atom:id element.

That means that you're not allowed to sue the same atom:id in any two entries, ever.

I don't read it that way, although I understand how you might infer that; there's too much wiggle room in the current text for that intent to be clear.

I.e., just because it's a "permanent, universally unique identifier" doesn't mean you're not able to use it twice to talk about a single entry; to RDF people, this will seem quite natural. If you want to only see one instance of an atom:id's content in the set of all entries ever published in any feed, you need to say that explicitly.

-- Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/

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