> >   <atom:summary xmlns:atom="..." xmlns="...">
> That seems like a
> good approach for those who do want the default namespace here.

Julian: It might actually be the best compromise solution. Advanced
developers will understand what's happening, and View-Sourcers can
copy-n-paste that just as easily as they can copy-n-paste
<summary><div xmlns="..."></div></summary>.

The people left out in this scenario are intermediate developers...
folks who know just enough to find such a construct confusing.  I
suspect Sam would prefer it if all three groups could get something
they can grok, but if that proves impossible, the intermediate folks
may be the ones we can politically afford to fluster.

For what it's worth, I'm still +1 on requiring the <div>. 'Cause
personally, I figure if we're going to inconvenience anyone, it should
be the most advanced among us.

Roger Benningfield

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