James M Snell wrote:

Robert Sayre wrote: > Yes or No: Is asking what capabilities existing XML-RPC protocols > provide is a productive way to set the limits of the Atom Protocol?

  Of course not.  I for one don't really give a rip what the existing
  XML-RPC API's currently provide or don't provide.

I certainly care about what they provide, but my proposal was based on problems I had with the deployed draft-gregorio-09 protocol.

Sam once told me a story about a group of important open source developers having an argument where all sides contended their suggestion was "the simplest thing that could possibly work." I see a similar problem emerging around the catchphrase "YAGNI" with regard to the protocol.

Here are some observations I've made:

All of the existing XML-RPC APIs provide some sort of querying, yet it's been said that avoiding querying would be good. YAGNI? [0]

Client developers have users wondering why blogging clients are so completely crippled compared to FTP and Email clients. Rename an image? Have a folder full of drafts? etc. YAGNI? [1, 2]

There's been continuous feedback that feed files with link relations just aren't good enough. I tend to agree, since we've been unable to say anything meaningful about managing feed state. YAGNI? [3]

It's been said that the API should be able to use static files, but none of the current protocols allow this. In fact, I don't know of any widely-used authoring protocol that does. YAGNI? [4]

Two of our biggest server implementors have asked for super-basic date range queries. YAGNI? [5,6]

I was asked to write an entire draft illustrating my thoughts. It's certainly not perfect or done, but it's much more capable than any other proposals we've had. The only objection I heard was something about web architecture, but no actual use case problems. And, truth be told, I could live with "URI freedom", since it will cause all sorts of problems by crossing hierarchical and security boundaries, and then converge on my original suggestion. YAGNI? [7,8]

We've given URIs to all sorts of things that don't have URIs in other protocols. YAGNI?

There's no efficent way to incrementally update a collection with the current protocol. You see, after any protocol action, the collection representation expires, and you have to re-download the whole feed. This makes things pretty much intolerable on a cell phone. YAGNI?

So, when I suggest something, I usually try to ensure that it's "the simplest thing that could possibly work" and Yes We Do Need It. Obviously, I could be wrong, so I'm looking for reasons why I am, or why it's not a good tradeoff. I'm not particularly interested in catchphrases or religious objections. We could do the whole thing in SOAP through one endpoint, and I would be fine with that, if it worked. If, the WG decides on a bunch of stuff I think is horrible, I will still do my best with the draft.

Robert Sayre

[0] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00300.html
[1] http://blog.kung-foo.tv/archives/001228.php
[2] http://inessential.com/?comments=1&postid=2988
[3] http://bitworking.org/news/Proposed_changes_to_draft_gregorio_07#X3
[4] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00290.html
[5] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00184.html
[6] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00200.html
[7] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00384.html
[8] http://www.imc.org/atom-protocol/mail-archive/msg00408.html

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