Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Apr 14, 2005, at 10:07, Thomas Broyer wrote:

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1-schema/

For the record, James Clark has made Relax NG schemas for some flavors of XHTML 1.x. Surely James Clark is at least as good an authority as the W3C. :-)


So Atom could propose a Relax NG schema that could validate the included XHTML as well!
And as the Atom Relax NG schema is not normative and the text would say the content SHOULD be "valid" XHTML, if one want to use invalid XHTML, his feed is still valid Atom.

If I understand RNG and RNC correctly, the schema would say something like:

include http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/xhtml/modules/text.rng {
   Inline.class |= element * - atom:* - xhtml:*
   Block.class  |= element * - atom:* - xhtml:*
   Core.attrib  &= attribute * - atom:* - xhtml:* { text }*

# Include here every other needed XHTML schema
# should be all except struct.rng and frames.rng, and evenly legacy.rng

# define the xhtmlDiv used by Text Constructs and atom:content
# it might be needed to redefine allowed attributes

xhtmlDiv = xhtml:div

# if we want to get rid of the div wrapper, use sth like that instead:
# xhtmlDiv = div.attlist, Flow.model

Thomas Broyer

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