On Friday, April 15, 2005, at 04:15 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Antone Roundy wrote:
Could we drop the xhtml:div requirement in [EMAIL PROTECTED]"xhtml"],
and instead clarify the status of the div that is commonly being put
there (is it part of the content or not?)
by adding an attribute to atom:content
With @type="text" there is no container, neither with @type="html", so why should there be a container with @type="xhtml"?

Because it's XML in XML, which raises issues that don't exist for "text" and "html".

Some people prefer to switch default namespace when doing XML in XML. If the XHTML content they're putting into atom:content isn't already surrounded by a single element where that switch can be made, adding a container to hold the namespace declaration is a common way of doing it.

Just for carrying the xmlns declaration? Well, you'd better define it once in the feed element...

You can argue that that's a better method, but we have already discussed and rejected the idea of mandating that the namespace be declared in a particular place or a particular way.

Just to allow for prefix-free Atom documents? See below about "legacy Atom" documents.

So what about those existing Atom documents (0.3 or draft-ietf-atompub-format-07) using a div container? Well, keep them as they are!
What's the matter with having the entry content inside an XHTML div, itself being considered part of the content?
A div element in (X)HTML has only a structural meaning. If the entry content is to be rendered as part of an XHTML document (as in a Web aggregator, or in a blog for example when Atom is used as a publishing protocol/syntax) and included inside a div element, the duplicate divs won't change anything to the document structure, there'll just be a needless duplicate div...

See http://www.imc.org/atom-syntax/mail-archive/msg14238.html for my response.

I don't think we're going to oust the required container div unless we replace it with something. Between the options of having a required container div and having an optional attribute to indicate whether you're using a container div, which would you prefer?

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