Fantasia wrote:
> Making it possible for pages to link to non-alternate 
> autodiscoverable feeds without using rel="alternate" -- and 
> encouraging this practice -- would make it possible for UAs to 
> actually /discriminate/ between alternate and non-alternate feeds.
> Right now they can't, because everything is indiscriminately marked 
> as "alternate".
        +1. Being able to distinguish between "alternates" for the current
page and "just other feeds" that are linked to from the page would be very
useful. Also, in the case where there are multiple real alternates to the
page, it would be useful to be able to mark which feed is "preferred." My
concern here is the transition between Atom V0.3 and Atom V1.0. A page might
link to feeds in both formats (as well as RSS, RDF, etc.) but it would be
good to know which of these feeds is considered the "preferred" feed by the
producer. In this way, people could migrate off the older feeds and one day
we'd actually be able to stop producing multiple feeds on each site.
        We should also consider providing such "preferred" links in Atom,
RSS, RDF, etc. feeds. I'd like to be able to publish something in my Atom
0.3 feeds that tell people "Don't keep reading this feed. Read the Atom 1.0
feed instead..."

                bob wyman

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