On 11/5/05 1:18 AM, "Mark Pilgrim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/PaceDifferentRelValue
> +0.  Part of my newfound personal definition of a life well-lived is
> to never again argue about semantics, markup, or the "correct" way to
> use them.  This Pace will break every aggregator on the planet, but
> then again, so will Atom 1.0 feeds, so... +0.


My belief is that RSS/Atom is at the point of crossing the chasm [1] and
going mainstream, and as such if we want the momentum to continue we should
be mindful of two things:

  * adding features/functions/tweaks which appeal to geeks and
    other 'insiders' is counter-productive

  * not fixing any warts or bugs which non-geeks won't understand
    why they get broken behaviour is counter-productive.

There is thus a filter to be applied to any suggestions for "improvements".

Changing 'alternative' to 'feed' fits the second criteria, but adding <a/>
fits the first. So, +1 to PaceDifferentRelValue, -1 to PaceAnchorSupport.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossing_the_Chasm

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