I'm in favour of allowing duplicate ids. This only seems to be a
partial solution though:

  "Their atom:updated timestamps SHOULD be different"

But what if they are not? What if I want to represent an archive of a
feed - maybe mine, maybe someone else's - but the atom:updated dates
are the same in two or more entries? I thought it was up to the
publisher to decide whether to rev atom:updated.

I was always concerned that the existence of atom:updated without
atom:modified would cause the meaning of atom:updated as an alert to
be diluted to being equivalent to atom:modified. This proposal would
encourage that. It would mean, if you don't update atom:updated, then
your entry instances are second class.

The restriction forces services that proxy, or re-aggregate feeds to
drop entries on the floor, just because the user has chosen not to
update atom:updated.

atom:updated encourages aggregators to make loud noises when they see
a change; anything that encourages atom:updated to be changed just for
the sake of it is going to be very annoying to users and make
atom:updated useless as an alert flag.

I'm in favour of duplicate ids, but unfortunately, the only way I can
see them working is if we have atom:modified. I hate to bring this up,
especially now, but it would solve some problems, and it is cheap to

Is anyone still opposed to atom:modified?


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