On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 05:08:10PM +0100, Graham wrote:

> >Exactly. It's extremely easy to think of cases that don't fit the
> >model proposed. Consider the "Huffington Post", where the feed might
> >list Arianna Huffington as the author, and everybody else as a
> >contributor. But, it would make sense to list her as a contributor as
> >well.
> Why? She's already credited as the author. If you can explain why  
> that isn't completely redundant and confusing to software, a gold  
> star to you.

Erm ... it's not redundant, because it's expressing something that a
person might want to express. Software can't really be confused by
this, providing we make semantics clear - and I don't think people
will be confused (unless the feed producer intended them to be

However I'm not religious about this particular issue, and I'm +1 on
the latest PaceClarifyAuthorContributor. I think we still need a
clarification along the lines of what danbri suggested, to make things
as obvious as possible.


  James Aylett                                                  xapian.org
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               uncertaintydivision.org

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