The atom:author element name is embarrassing. Make it atom:creator.
There were no objections to that.


--On May 26, 2005 10:26:54 AM -0700 Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <co-chair-mode>
> On behalf of Paul and myself:  This is it.  The initial phase of the  WG's 
> work in designing the Atompub data format specification is  finished over, 
> pining for the fjords, etc.  Please everyone reach  around and pat yourselves 
> on the back, I think the community will  generally view this as a fine piece 
> of work.
> Stand by for announcements on buckling down on Atom-Protocol.
> Note that this is a pronouncement, not a "call for further debate".   Here 
> are the next steps:
> 1. Editors take the assembled changes and produce a format-09 I-D.   Sooner 
> is better.
> 2. They post the I-D.
> 3. Paul sends Scott a message, cc'ing the WG, that we're done.
> 4. At this point there may be objections from the WG.  We decide  whether to 
> accept the objections and pull the draft back, or tell the  objectors they'll 
> have to pursue the appeal process.
> 5. The IESG process takes over at this point and we'll eventually  hear back 
> from them.
> Last two draft changes:
> 1. PaceAtomIdDOS
> We think that the WG has consensus that it is of benefit to add a  warning to 
> section 8 "Security Considerations".  The language from  PaceAtomIdDos is 
> mostly OK, except that the late suggestion of  talking about spoofing instead 
> of DOS seemed to get general support.   I reworded slightly.  We'll leave it 
> up to the editors to decide  whether a new subsection of section 8 is 
> required.
> "Atom Processors should be aware of the potential for spoofing  attacks where 
> the attacker publishes an atom:entry with the atom:id  value of an entry from 
> another feed, perhaps with a falsified  atom:source element duplicating the 
> atom:id of the other feed. Atom  Processors which, for example, suppress 
> display of duplicate entries  by displaying only one entry with a particular 
> atom:id value, perhaps  by selecting the one with the latest atom:updated 
> value, might also  take steps to determine
whether the entries originated from the same  publisher before considering them 
to be duplicates."
> 2. PaceAtom10
> We just missed this one in the previous consensus call; seeing lots  of +1's 
> and no pushback, it's accepted.
> </co-chair-mode>

Walter Underwood
Principal Architect, Verity

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