/ David Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| a) Section 6.4 omits atom:source as a valid location for Metadata Extensions,
| but it is allowed by the RelaxNG in 4.2.11.  I believe that the RelaxNG
| reflects our intent to allow extensions to be preserved in atom:source.

That seems reasonable to me. I'd be content if we decided this was a
spec bug and agreed to add 'atom:source' to the lext of Metadata
Elements in Section 6.4.

| b) Section 6.4.1 and Section 6.4.2 don't place any restrictions on what 
| may be used as Metadata Extensions, but the RelaxNG grammar explicitly 
| elements in the Atom namespace.  The Atom namespace should be reserved for
| future forwards-compatable revisions of Atom.

Given that our spec defines what the atom: elments mean and where they
can appear, it would seem bizarre to me to say that in Metadata
Extensions, any atom: element can be used for any purpose.

I conclude that the RELAX NG grammar reflects the groups intent in
these areas, but I'll change it if consensus proves me wrong. :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | The worst enemy of life, freedom and
http://nwalsh.com/            | the common decencies is total anarchy;
                              | their second worst enemy is total
                              | efficiency.--Aldous Huxley

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