Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
Tim Bray wrote:

On Jul 16, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

I didn't realize that "path-empty" was a valid URI-reference.

Yeah, it means "here".

And that's why you can't use it as a reference to your site.

To quote from RFC 3986:

   When a URI reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment
   component (if any), identical to the base URI (Section 5.1), that
   reference is called a "same-document" reference.  The most frequent
   examples of same-document references are relative references that are
   empty or include only the number sign ("#") separator followed by a
   fragment identifier.

   When a same-document reference is dereferenced for a retrieval
   action, the target of that reference is defined to be within the same
   entity (representation, document, or message) as the reference;
   therefore, a dereference should not result in a new retrieval action.

So, <link href='' /> links to the atom file (as currently in memory), not your site.

Upon further reading of 3986, I'm convinced that Tim's current feed is correct.

Base URI defaults to the Retrieval URI. This gives rise to the common use case of "same-document" references.

However, Base URI Embedded in Content. In XML documents, this takes the form of xml:base attribute values. This is the case in Tim's feed.

- Sam Ruby

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