* Sjoerd Visscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-19 03:15]:
> That is my interpretation too, but only through the way the
> base URI is used. I can't find any hint in that direction
> otherwise. It would be nice if T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding or
> L. Masinter could confirm that. If it would have been worded
> specifically that way, then xml:base could have been seen as
> the self link for all xml documents.

The behaviour specified in 2396 and adopted by 3986 pretty
clearly seems to point out this intent.

Unfortunately, it is generally a problem with any forms of
standard that the document that describes it rarely makes mention
of any of the discussion and rationale that led to the decisions
recorded therein. So it is often difficult to go back and reason
about the spirit of the spec, because there is no way of doing
that other than by looking at its letter.

(This is further complicated by the fact that some issues may
never even have had a clear rationale. See f.ex. our current
debate about whether atom:link/@href was meant to always be
dereferencable or may be any URI at all, abstract or not.)

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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