Quoting Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Aug 4, 2005, at 11:21 PM, David Powell wrote:
> > We say that Simple Extension Elements are not language sensitive, but
> > we don't say that Simple Extension constructs aren't affected by
> > xml:base.  I think that the implication is that they are not, but it
> > is not very explicit:
> They *are* affected by xml:base.  xml:base establishes the base URI
> for wherever it's in-scope, with a specific callout to RFC3986 for
> the semantics.  Anytime you see something that you know is a relative
> URI reference, you have to absolutize it using the base URI, and the
> base URI is what xml:base says it is.  -Tim

Yes, I understand, but I disagree.  xml:base only affects things that are
designated to be URI references.  I wouldn't expect
<atom:title>/index.html</atom:title> to get resolved as a URI, because
atom:title isn't defined to be a URIRef.  Neither are Simple Extension

There is a layering.  Implementors of draft-ietf-atompub-format-10 can never
know that an arbitrary Simple Extension Element's value is a URI reference, so
it can never be treated as one; the value is clearly stated to be a
language-insensitive string, not a URIRef, therefore xml:base has no effect.

Specifications for extensions may declare that the string value should be
interpretted by applications as being a URI (or a date, or an integer, or
whatever), but we are at a different layer now, the xml:base of the element
that the property was declared is as irrelevent as its namespace-prefix.


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