On 09/08/2005, at 4:07 AM, Henry Story wrote:

But I would really like some way to specify that the next feed document is an archive (ie. won't change). This would make it easy for clients to know when to stop following the links, ie, when they have cought up with the changes since they last looked at the feed.

Perhaps something like this:

<history:prev archive="yes">http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/2003/04/ feed.rss</history>

I'd think that would be more appropriate as an extension to the archive itself, wouldn't it? That way, the metadata (the fact that it's an archive) is part of the data (the archive feed).



By (current) definition, anything that history:prev points to is an archive.


Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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