On 25/08/2005, at 10:10 AM, Stefan Eissing wrote:
Seeing it as a data structure "fh" introduces a single-linked list of documents which the whole feed is composed of. I think such a document needs its own term.

A single document could be named a "feed fragement". The first document "head fragment"? Not very snappy. Let's see. If the whole feed is atom, then the fragments are "particals"? "feedytrons"? Are we perhaps talking about a "split feed" (fh:split=true/false? the german term for a fragment is "splitter", btw.)

That's one thing to be named. I was trying to come up with a term for the whole, conceptual feed (that indicates its components have this nature); that's why I came up with "incremental."

I.e., in usage: "That's a foo feed; you can walk back its previous elements and build the whole feed." And, "That's not a foo feed; the document you fetch is the whole feed."

"Incremental" works pretty well there (although it has a lot of syllables); "sliding" (as suggested by James) also fits, but it is a bit evocative of time, which I'd like to avoid (despite the use of 'history' in the document title :-/).

(BTW, "incremental" isn't my term; it was suggested privately by an implementor)

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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