On 17/10/05 9:30 PM, "Lindsley Brett-ABL001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I would like to toss out another thought - since the updated time of a
> feed is required, maybe it can be used to help determine the feed
> order/history. 
> For example, if following a "next" link (or pick your favorite term), if
> the updated time gets older, then the client can understand these
> entries are from an earlier time. If when following the "next" link the
> updated time stays the same, then the client can assume this is just
> more of the same collection from the previous point in time (unordered
> collection). Just a thought...

Won't work -- older date-paged archives may have an entry updated anytime in
the future, and thus not only does that entry get a more recent atom:updated
than any entries intervening then and now, but the feed itself will also get
a more recent atom:updated.


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