On Oct 25, 2005, at 12:59 AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
I am asking if is there a generic way for an application to
implement alternate-link processing that gives sensible behaviour
for any type of main link. If an implementor has to support
alternative links explicitly for each type of main link, where’s
the difference to having specific relationships for alternative
links depending on the main link type?

Here are a few examples of generic processing algorithms an application might use:

1) Randomly selecting a mirror to download from, thus helping to spread the bandwidth usage among them. 2) Try the main link, and if the DNS lookup fails, or a connection can't be made or something, automatically try the next one. 3) Ping each of the servers in the background, and if the user clicks the link, use the fastest one.

1) Have a prioritized list of formats, and choose the link that points to the highest priority format. 2) Of all the formats the app supports, choose the one with the smallest @length, if present.

Either one:
1) Show some sort of UI for selecting which link to follow (perhaps have the main link selected by default, but allow the user to select an alternate from the popup).

None of those ideas is necessarily tied to any particular link relation. They might be more important for enclosures than any of the other relations that have been defined so far, and an application may or may not do some for enclosures that it doesn't do for some other specific link relations. But again, it comes back to the yet unanswered question, are there any disadvantages to keeping it generic? I haven't heard anyone suggest any downside yet--only that some people can't imagine why anyone would want to use alternative links for anything but enclosures.

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