Thanks Uche for making me think a little more carefully about this topic. Your intervention has been very helpful in identifying a concern that is probably more widespread than openly acknowledged.

On 1 Dec 2005, at 21:20, Uche Ogbuji wrote:

Hmm.  I worry about such a land grab.  I'd rather put muscle behind
WebDAV and be sure that Atom dovetails. I think that the similarities
should be used to ensure such dovetailing, rather than to seed a
competition between Atom and DAV.

I don't think this need be thought of as a landgrab.

It needn't be, of course, but I think your characterization so far gave
the impression that it could be.  Nevertheless, I think I'll leave off
this thread. After all, it's all vapor so far, and so no real problem.
If people do start coming up with WebDAV-replacement ideas, and
seriously advocating them, I can take up the cause then.  Until then,
it's all academic.

Seeing something as something else is a very important aspect of learning. This reminds me of various mathematical puzzles one learns in school. It is a long time since I studied geometry but I can remember the importance of seeing a shape as the sum of two others. Was it by these means that the Greeks prooved the irrationality of the square root of 2? [1] I can't remember. But there are many other examples along these lines, I am sure. These questions may be academic, but one should not disparage academia. It is from those quarters that some of the greatest changes in the human condition of stemmed from.

I will say while ducking through the door (sorry) that I don't think the
distinction between "simple file system" and "metadata file system" is
all that instructive, but again I'll have to take up that matter if it
comes up again in a more practical context.

If the only practical effect this discussion may have is help people think about feeds a little differently, something will have been achieved.

Thanks again for participating,

        Henry Story


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