James M Snell wrote:
The value [of x:profile] is equivalent to the profile parameter on the media type. The set of profile values contained in the document takes precedence over the set of profile values contained in the media type.

Well, this needs clarification: If a feed at
<http://www.example.com/one.atom> refers to another feed with a link
element like the following

<atom:link rel='related' href='http://www.example.com/two.atom' type='application/atom+xml;profile="http://www.example.com/foo";'/>

but the feed at <http://www.example.com/two.atom> contains a profile of
<x:profile>http://www.example.com/bar</x:profile> then the above should certainly hold: "The set of profile values contained in the document takes precedence over the set of profile values contained in the media type." (This respects the "advisory" nature of the type attribute as defined by the Atom Format spec.)

If, however, the feed at <http://www.example.com/two.atom> is served
with an HTTP Content-Type of "application/atom+xml;profile="http://www.example.com/quux"; then this
profile should IMHO take precedence over the "profile values contained
in the document", i.e., "http://www.example.com/bar";. (This is
consistent with the TAG findings regarding "Inconsistencies between
Representation Data and Metadata" at

Hence the need for clarification; it is not at all clear what "contained in the media type" means. Does it refer only to the type attribute or to HTTP's Content-Type as well?


Andreas Sewe

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