2006/1/27, James M Snell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <at:deleted-entry>
>    <atom:id>tag:example.org,2006:someentry</atom:id><--required-->
>    <atom:updated>2005-01-27T12:12:12Z</atom:updated><--required-->
>    <atom:author><atom:name>James</atom:name></atom:author><--optional-->
>    <atom:summary>comment spam</atom:summary><--optional-->
> </at:deleted-entry>


> Is this better?

No, because it's not clear whether atom:author and atom:summary were
the one of the deleted entry or relative to the deletion.

    <at:comment>comment spam</at:comment>

Some will probably have the same question about the atom:updated: is
it the date when the entry was deleted or the atom:updated value
before deletion?

Some will probably ask whether then atom:id is the one of the at:deleted-entry…

But now that you're having something looking more and more like an
atom:entry, how about just adding an at:deleted to an atom:entry? and
integrating the at:by and at:comment inside the pub:control in a more
generic way to provide edit comments? (issue: pub:control is specific
to the APP)

<!-- before deletion, in APP context -->
    <atom:link rel="edit" href="…" />

<!-- after deletion -->
<!-- the atom:updated is the date of the deletion, as it's unlikely
that the entry will change after that -->
        <del:comment>comment spam</del:comment>
<!-- the [EMAIL PROTECTED]"edit"] has disappeared -->

The only drawback –a priori– of this solution is that it means
updating the atom:updated value of the atom:entry, which will bring
the entry to the attention of the user if the reader doesn't support
the del:* extension… not really what was intended isn't it? (however,
it's arguable: should a deletion be silent? how about adding a
del:when in the del:deleted? the atom:updated would then continue to
serve its role: whether to bring the entry to the user's attention)

Just thinking out loud…

Thomas Broyer

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