On 29 Jan 2006, at 16:47, Danny Ayers wrote:

fyi, Chimezie has a blog post [1] including the mapping below between
Atom as interpreted by Mark Pilgrim's UFP (so it'll also work for
anyRSS) to RDF.


I don't quite understand what is going on in that blog post.

At some point it'll probably be a good idea to capture the mapping
from the core Atom constructs (as expressed in Atom/OWL [2]) to the
other vocabs/ontologies used - FOAF, SKOS, DC, presumably through
owl:equivalentClass/owl:equivalentProperty statements.  (APP construct
mappings to follow, when someone's got a bit of time...)

atom-owl already uses the foaf ontology for foaf:Person construct.
for DC there was some mapping someone made between DC and atom- constructs.

There was this wiki page:

My guess is that I could add some inheritance properties to atom-owl. Something like:

awol:id rdfs:subclassOf dc:identifier .

we would have to look at this case by case. Also should this be part of the main ontology?

Henry Story

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