On 2006/06/07, at 11:40 PM, Thomas Broyer wrote:

My main concern is that RFC3229 w/ feeds is being deployed more and
more widely and is still not even an I-D (or I missed something).

I have that concern as well.

I am also concerned that RFC3229 is an extension of HTTP, but some implementers are acting as if it chages the semantics of already- defined parts of HTTP. For example, a delta must be a subset of the current representation that is returned to a GET; if you GET the feed, it has to return all of the entries that you could retrieve by using delta.

I have a feeling that many people are treating it as a dynamic query mechanism that's capable of retrieving any entry that's ever been in the feed, while still only returning the last n entries to a plain GET. If so, they're breaking HTTP, breaking delta, and should use something else.

Is this the case, or am I (happily) mistaken?

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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