2006/6/26, Nicolas Krebs:
Excerpt quoted from section 4.2.2 of urn:ietf:rfc:4287
( http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section-4.2.2 )

>  The "term" Attribute

> The "term" attribute is a string that identifies the category

Is the term attribute an unique identifiers ?

My interpretation of atom:category is that scheme+term defines a
unique identifier, much the same as a QName in XML.
I might be wrong however, as RFC4287 is completely silent on this...

How can i manage the homonym ?

Use different categorization schemes ;-)

Could an atom 1.0 feed contain some item whith
"<category scheme='http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/tag/' term='Java'
somexmlns:href='http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/Technology/Coding/Java/' />
and other item with
"<category scheme='http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/tag/' term='Java'
somexmlns:href='http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/Technology/Sun/Java/' />


Note that you could also have those two atom:category elements in the
same atom:entry, as RFC4287 puts no constraint at all on categories
(unlike atom:link elements).

where the first Java is not the same as the second ?

With the same scheme and term, aggregators (or other Atom processors)
are very likely to consider them the exact same category.
I think the producer of such a feed would be wrong using the same
scheme and term for (conceptually) different categories...

Thomas Broyer

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