On Sep 26, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Sam Ruby wrote:

Here's a list of Paces that weren't disposed of with the last consensus call:

First of all, did Sam get them all? Please speak up soonest about anything that was missed and might have a realistic chance.


PaceAppEdited: Lots of discussion. There seems universal support for the utility of an app:edited element, and an assertion that entry members SHOULD contain one. On the other hand, every discussion of sort order has spiraled instantly into a rat-hole.

Conclusion. PaceAppEdited is accepted, in part. The second part of the proposal, defining the app:edited element, is ACCEPTED. The first part, imposing a requirement on the sort order of collections, clearly does not have consensus support.

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PaceAppEdited2: Not enough support, some opposition, big and complicated. REJECTED.

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PaceAppModified3: Lots of discussion, no real consensus, eventually replaced by PaceAppEdited. REJECTED.

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PaceAppVersion: Got no +1s, some opposition: REJECTED.

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PaceCollectionLinkType: zero discussion: REJECTED.

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PaceFixModel: 2 supporters, not enough: REJECTED.
But note that this is inconsistent with some of the language in section 9, so editorial work is required.

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PaceLocationPointsToEntry: zero discussion: REJECTED.

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PaceOrderCollectionsByAppModified2: zero discussion: REJECTED.

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PaceRemoveConnegSuggestionOnServiceDoc: almost no discussion: REJECTED.

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PaceRemoveOutOfLineCategoriesFromCategoryDocument: 2 supporters, little discussion, not enough. REJECTED.

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PaceRevertTitle: Lots of -1's: REJECTED.

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PaceSecurityConsiderationsRevised: We need something in the Security Considerations section of the document, and there was at least some support for the ideas in this section in the past. The other proposal for words for this section was withdrawn. Therefore, this Pace is ACCEPTED with the understanding that the issue of what our security considerations are is not closed and may be modified after the IETF last call.

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PaceServiceLinkType: Not enough discussion/support: REJECTED.

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UseElementsForAppCollectionTitles3: Seems to have been incorporated in the draft.


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