I'd like to represent bookmarks using Atom, so that I can manipulate
them using the Publishing Protocol.

I discussed this briefly with Aristotle on IRC. He has an XSLT which
transforms del.icio.us into Atom [1]; (the important bit of) the entries
it produces look like this:

    <title>The Atom Syndication Format</title>
    <summary>An alternative to RSS2.</summary>
    <link href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287"/>
    <category term="rfc"/>

(I was thinking along the same lines, but using content/@src instead of

But he (and now I) is not entirely happy with this solution. 

Linking to the RFC as an alternate representation of the entry suggests
that the entry and the RFC issue from the same source. (ie. if the
entry appears in a feed that lists me as an author it implies that
RFC4287 was written by me)

So, what's the right way?

1: <http://plasmasturm.org/code/delicious-atom/>

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