On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Dusty Mabe <du...@dustymabe.com> wrote:

> NOTE: if you respond to this message please 'reply-all'.
> I'd like to discuss firewalld on atomic host. Recently I was trying to
> figure out the best way to explain to other users how to set firewall rules
> on atomic host.
> Usually I would say add your rules and then iptables-save, but on Atomic
> Host docker has added it's firewall rules in there dynamically so if you
> iptables-save
> you'll get a bunch of stuff that you don't want in your static
> configuration.
> There are ways around this; manually create your config file, or use
> iptables-save
> and then rip the docker stuff out. Either way it's a bit of a pain. I think
> firewalld would make this easier on the user. Not sure of the pro/con
> ratio though.

While I can see firewalld improving the situation wrt documenting how to
add/persist firewall changes for Atomic Host (especially when using
moby/docker), I think there is a bigger concern with firewalld being
absent. If a user is running multiple applications that modify the host
firewall (docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc), firewalld provides a way to
make firewall modifications in a consistent and repeatable manner, where
iptables does not. There is the --wait flag for iptables, however any
applications/users that are interacting with iptables will need to ensure
they use it consistently.

Jason DeTiberus

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