Hi Ryan, thanks for bringing this up!

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017, at 03:31 PM, Ryan Barry wrote:
> /home
> /opt
> /var
> /var/log
> /var/log/audit

As I understand it, the NIST-800 specification was designed for a "traditional"
system managed via yum.  I imagine they did a default RHEL7 install and
looked at hardening on top of that.

The ostree model is in contrast *very* prescriptive about the system layout.
It's different from how things worked before, but I think still compatible
enough; and worth the change.
There's some more info here:
But this boils down to: every mount point you've listed above actually lives
underneath /var.  Stated even more strongly, *all local state* lives under
/var or /etc, and everything else appears immutable (though rpm-ostree can
mutate it).

> (ideally with any 'persistent' data like the rpmdb relocated off of /var,


$ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
                   Version: 26.64 (2017-08-23 07:44:49)
$ ls -al /var/lib/rpm
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 19 Apr 18 15:29 /var/lib/rpm -> ../../usr/share/rpm

>  with the contents of /var[/*] being the same across all ostree instances, so 
> logs are not lost if users need to roll back).

Yep, that's also enforced.  ostree (and rpm-ostree) will never touch /var, 
upgrading or rolling back.  The only twist here is that we generate systemd 
entries - so for example `rpm-ostree install postgresql` will cause some 
to be generated on the *next* boot.

Related to all of this, rpm-ostree for example will cleanly reject
installing RPMs that do things like have content in /home:

> In my testing, Atomic seems to only take ~3GB of the volume group when 
> installed, though I understand that the remainder of the volume group is 
> often used for Docker image storage. We performed a conversion to a NIST-800 
> layout as part of an update on oVirt Node, but we were fortunate enough to be 
> using lvmthin, so we didn't need to worry too much about it, but I'm not sure 
> how this would be done on Atomic. I know that /var was added recently, so 
> some shuffling must be possible, but I haven't looked into the details of how 
> that was performed.

Yep, it's ironic that it took so long for 
to land - it really helps complete the picture of having basically all
local system state easily put onto separate storage, consistently backed up, 

> Additionally, getting as close as possible to full STIG compliance would be 
> ideal. I see that atomic supports scanning containers running on Atomic 
> hosts, but I'm not sure what the actual status of the host itself is.

I think we can do that more easily now that the above PR landed; however,
it seems likely to me that the guidelines need to be updated to account
for things like /home → /var/home.

Also unfortunately for RHEL7, systemd refusing to mount on symlinks
is fairly problematic.  See: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/6293
But administrators can work around that by using /var/home as the mount point.

Anyways, so I think the current F26AH's support for /var as a mount
point covers most of this; the tricky part is probably updating the document
to account for the ostree/AH differences?

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