On 02/21/2018 01:58 PM, Jason Brooks wrote:
> Well actually... the main way I've used these system containers is
> with the ansible scripts at:
> https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/ansible but those
> have been deprecated.
> I think we should:
> * drop the manual instructions from the site
> * tell people who want manual to go read "kubernetes the hard way"
> * focus on kubeadm for kubernetes on atomic (see
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jasonbrooks/QA/AtomicTests/Install_Kubeadm
> and 
> https://github.com/projectatomic/atomic-system-containers/tree/master/kubeadm)
> * point to openshift-ansible for people who want a more complicated
> configuration (https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible)
> If you'd like to know *all* my thoughts on the matter, I gave a talk
> on this subject at Flock: https://youtu.be/Y703n0emWUg

I support anything jason has to say on this topic. We've been relying on him
for our kube* expertise. 

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