As discussed in IRC today, this is a good way forward to split up Project
Atomic into its core components and give each their own space - CoreOS,
everything container-related (in the case of this SIG proposal mostly
application containers for Fedora but I'd like to keep it open to maybe
discuss container runtimes as well, time will tell), and Silverblue.

I fully second this SIG and would like to be added.

Thanks for the proposal, Clément!

On Wed, 25 Jul 2018, 18:10 Clement Verna, <> wrote:

> Greeting all,
> The container effort in Fedora has until now been looked after by the
> Atomic WG, since this Working Group is now going to focus mostly on
> Fedora CoreOS, I propose to create a new container SIG to regroup
> people interested in the maintenance of application containers in
> Fedora.
> This SIG would look after the container guidelines [0], the container
> review process [1] and also the release process and tooling.
> Please Reply if you're interested with helping out making the
> Container story great in Fedora. If there is a good response, I will
> create a Container SIG wiki page, and I guess we can ask for
> container-devel mailing list for SIG discussions.
> Regards,
> Clément
> [0] -
> [1] -

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