Dear all,

there is some unexpected downtime at ATrpms' resources including all
hosted projects. It looks like an external attacker was exploiting a
git vulnerabilty that leads to a DoS. A similar issue apparently
happened last month to github itself.

Unfortunately there is no remote management possibilty and I have to
always ask hands on site to fix the issue (many thanks to Jens Dreger
both for providing the hosting and for helping with such issues!).

Until we find a solution we cannot open the web/git services ATM as
the system will go down within a couple of hours again. A cleaner
solution would be to virtualize the services, and be able to manage
them from the host. Also we apparently need something like cgroups to
contain services or at the very least reserve resources for ssh

I'll try my best to restore services as soon as possible w/o
endangering another full downtime.

Any disussion on this topic should please happen on
atrpms-devel. Thanks!
Axel.Thimm at

atrpms-devel mailing list

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