There are several issues here.

First, eq and neq should be function templates (rather than polymorphic 

datatype either(a: t@ype, b: t@ype+) =
  | left of a
  | right of b

eq_either_either(x : either(a, INV(b)), y : either(a, b)) : bool

neq_either_either(x : either(a, INV(b)), y : either(a, b)) : bool

overload = with eq_either_either

overload != with neq_either_either

Since the second argument of 'either' is declared to be co-variant, INV(b) 
is used in the interface for eq and neq
to make overloading of = and != work.

The function of test_eq1 needs to be modified slightly:

fn test_eq1() : bool =
      val rhs = right{string,string}("eq")
      val lhs = right{string,string}("eq")
      rhs = lhs

If you write rhs:either(string, string) = right("eq"), then the typechecker 
only knows that the type assigned to rhs is either(string, X) for some X <= 

Now your code can be compiled to an executable. I saw the following when 
trying it:

  succeeded: eq (1/2)
  succeeded: eq (2/2)

Test suite complete (2/2)

A more serious issue with your code is the following one:

assume monad_type(b : t0p) = [a:t0p] either(a, b)

This is unlikely to work. I think what you need is monad(a, b) where 'a' 
as a parameter:

abstype monad_type(a: t@ype, b:t@ype)
assume monad_type(a:t0p, b:t0p) = either(a, b)

On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 8:27:15 PM UTC-5

> Hi all,
> I have been trying to implement something like Haskell's Data.Either 
> module in ATS. I'd like to be able to test equality generically. This is my 
> .sats file:
> #include "share/atspre_staload_libats_ML.hats"
> #include "libats/ML/SATS/SHARE/monad.hats"
> datatype either(a: t@ype, b: t@ype+) =
>   | left of a
>   | right of b
> fun eq_either_either {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : either(a, b), y : either(a, 
> b)) : bool
> fun neq_either_either {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : either(a, b), y : either(a, 
> b)) : bool
> overload = with eq_either_either
> overload != with neq_either_either
> fun lefts {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+}{n:int} (x : list(either(a,b), n)) :
>   [ m : int | m <= n ] list(a, m)
> fun rights {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+}{n:int} (x : list(either(a,b), n)) :
>   [ m : int | m <= n ] list(b, m)
> fun either_ {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+}{c:t@ype} (f : a -> c, g : b -> c, x : 
> either(a, b)) : c
> fun is_left {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : either(a, b)) : bool
> fun is_right {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : either(a, b)) : bool
> fun from_right {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : b, y : either(a, b)) : b
> fun from_left {a:t@ype}{b:t@ype+} (x : a, y : either(a, b)) : a
> and this is my .dats file:
> staload "either.sats"
> staload "prelude/SATS/list.sats"
> #include "prelude/DATS/basics.dats"
> #include "prelude/DATS/list.dats"
> assume monad_type(b : t0p) = [a:t0p] either(a, b)
> implement eq_either_either (x, y) =
>   case+ (x, y) of
>     | (right (_), left (_)) => false
>     | (left (_), right (_)) => false
>     | (left (x), left (y)) => gequal_val_val(x, y)
>     | (right (x), right (y)) => gequal_val_val(x, y)
> implement neq_either_either (x, y) =
>   not(eq_either_either(x, y))
> datasort list =
>   | NIL
>   | CONS of list
> dataprop LENGTH(list, int) =
>   | L_NIL(NIL, 0)
>   | {l:list}{len:nat} L_CONS(CONS(l), 1 + len) of (LENGTH(l, len))
> implement lefts (ys) =
>   case- ys of
>     | list_nil() => list_nil()
>     | list_cons (right (x), xs) => lefts(xs)
> // | list_cons (left (x), xs) => list_cons(x, lefts(xs))
> // functorial proof functions?
> // want to prove: if length(f(xs)) <= n, length(xs) = n, length(cons(x, 
> xs)) <= length(cons(x, f(xs)))
> implement {a} monad_return (x) =
>   right(x)
> implement {a} monad_join (x) =
>   case+ x of
>     | left (y) => left(y)
>     | right (left (y)) => left(y)
>     | right (right (x)) => right(x)
> implement {a}{b} monad_fmap (fopr, x) =
>   case+ x of
>     | left (y) => left(y)
>     | right (x) => right(fopr(x))
> implement {a}{b} monad_bind (x, fopr) =
>   case+ x of
>     | left (y) => left(y)
>     | right (y) => fopr(y)
> my .hats file:
> staload "./either.sats"
> staload _ = "./either.dats"
> and finally the actual test suite:
> #include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
> #include "share/atspre_staload_libats_ML.hats"
> #include "either.hats"
> staload "prelude/SATS/tostring.sats"
> staload "libats/ML/SATS/string.sats"
> #define nil list_vt_nil
> #define :: list_vt_cons
> fn test_eq1() : bool =
>   let
>     val rhs: either(string, string) = right("eq")
>     val lhs: either(string, string) = right("eq")
>   in
>     rhs = lhs
>   end
> fn test_eq2() : bool =
>   true
> vtypedef named = @{ fst = string, snd = bool }
> vtypedef test_tree = @{ group = string, leaves = List_vt(named) }
> fn fail_incomplete(i : int, n : int) : void =
>   {
>     val _ = prerr!("\nTest suite complete (" + tostring_int(i) + "/" + 
> tostring_int(n) + ")\n")
>     val _ = if n != i then
>       (exit(1) ; ())
>     else
>       ()
>   }
> fnx iterate_list(t : test_tree, i : int, n : int) : void =
>   let
>     val _ = if i = 0 then
>       println!( + ":")
>     else
>       ()
>     fun handle_loop(s : string, b : bool, xs : test_tree) : void =
>       if b then
>         (println!("  \33[32msucceeded:\33[0m " + s) ; iterate_list(xs, i + 
> 1, n))
>       else
>         (println!("  \33[31mfailed:\33[0m " + s) ; iterate_list(xs, i, n))
>   in
>     case+ t.leaves of
>       | ~list_vt_nil() => fail_incomplete(i, n)
>       | ~list_vt_cons (x, xs) => handle_loop(x.fst, x.snd, @{ group = t.
> group, leaves = xs })
>   end
> implement main0 () =
>   {
>     var n0 = @{ fst = "eq (1/2)", snd = test_eq1() }
>     var n1 = @{ fst = "eq (2/2)", snd = test_eq2() }
>     var xs = n0 :: n1 :: nil
>     var total = list_vt_length(xs)
>     val g = @{ group = "monad_join", leaves = xs } : test_tree
>     val _ = iterate_list(g, 0, total)
>   }
> which fails to build with the following error:
> /tmp/ccrn6Wjd.o: In function `mainats_void_0': test_dats.c:(.text+0x391): 
> undefined reference to `
> _057_home_057_vanessa_057__056_atspkg_057_0_056_3_056_9_057_lib_057_ats2_055_postiats_055_0_056_3_056_9_057_either_056_sats__eq_either_either'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status ) 
> Am I doing something wrong here? I tried to get generic equality on lists 
> working as well, but I couldn't seem to figure out how. I tried this with 
> ATS 0.3.9 as well as ATS 0.3.10. Any insight would be much appreciated! 
> Thanks!

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