A "standard" solution is to use call-by-reference:

(c:Command(a:vt@ype), &a? >> a): void

Command(vt@ype) =
  | Nop(unit)
  | Read(string)
  | Print(unit) of string
  | Seq(unit) of (Command(unit), Command(unit))
  | {a,b:vtype} Bind(b) of (Command(a), a?, (&a >> a?) -<cloptr1>

This is a bit more involved but only an implementer like you (not user)
needs to deal with it :)

On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:01 AM Artyom Shalkhakov <
artyom.shalkha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 3:55:47 PM UTC+2, gmhwxi wrote:
>> >> Now, what about boxing, can we do something with boxing?
>> Do you mean that you want to have 'a:t@ype' instead of 'a:type'?
> Yes. I think any use of 'bind' is highly discouraged if we have 'a:type'
> restriction (e.g. want to return an int from an effectful function -- sure,
> but use heap for that...).
>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 9:36 AM Artyom Shalkhakov <artyom.s...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Hongwei,
>>> On Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 3:22:41 PM UTC+2, gmhwxi wrote:
>>>> Here is a linear version:
>>>> https://pastebin.com/sqXcRhnf
>>>> Also, Command is a linear datatype (i.e., dataviewtype).
>>> Great! Now, what about boxing, can we do something with boxing? I expect
>>> such code, if it's really used in practice, to involve LOTS of these little
>>> objects. So it will probably behave badly if every call to a continuation
>>> involves a heap allocation... Let us be a bit more resource-conscious,
>>> please. :)
>>> I did a similar example a while back where I used some CPS style to get
>>> rid of boxing:
>>> https://github.com/ashalkhakov/tfc/blob/master/src/SATS/cont.sats
>>> Basically we can 'co-opt' the ATS compiler to do all the plumbing. The
>>> closure call and its packing is non-uniform but the closure itself is
>>> uniform in size, since it's a pointer to the heap:
>>> https://github.com/ashalkhakov/tfc/blob/master/test/threads.dats
>>> To call a continuation, the return type must be statically known (at
>>> both the callee side and the caller side).
>>> So maybe we can do something similar here?
>>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 9:02 AM Hongwei Xi <gmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Nice!
>>>>> But I am very surprised that this code actually works.
>>>>> My understanding is that It works because of a bug in patsopt :)
>>>>> Basically, runCommand should be implemented as a polymorphic function
>>>>> (instead of a function
>>>>> template). And 'a:t0ype' should be 'a:type'.
>>>>> fun runCommand: {a:type} Command(a) -> a
>>>>> Actually, I think that Command should be a linear type, which should
>>>>> you more fun!
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 5:49 AM Artyom Shalkhakov <
>>>>> artyom.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I've made a gist:
>>>>>> https://gist.github.com/ashalkhakov/c3577e97b20020fde31f84447fd1e056
>>>>>> It actually works. It illustrates the basics (sequencing, bind, input
>>>>>> and output). Nice. It doesn't have Haskell's "return" though, but that is
>>>>>> pretty simple to add (it's something that "creates" IO where there is no 
>>>>>> IO
>>>>>> at all...).
>>>>>> The interpreter is using a continuation in the end. I chose this
>>>>>> style because the closure-function (i.e. our continuation) can be passed
>>>>>> around freely, whereas with a flat unboxed type it is sometimes difficult
>>>>>> for the C compiler to figure out the size of the variable.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, March 26, 2019 at 10:11:11 AM UTC+2, Artyom Shalkhakov
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Brandon,
>>>>>>> On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 8:49:29 PM UTC+2, Brandon Barker wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Artyom,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the very interesting analysis and response.
>>>>>>> Glad you found it useful!
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 4:06 AM Artyom Shalkhakov <
>>>>>>>> artyom.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Brandon,
>>>>>>>>> This is a very lively discussion, thanks for bringing it up.
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 5:48:07 AM UTC+2, Brandon Barker
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> And for what it's worth, here is an Idris program for haha using
>>>>>>>>>> Effects:
>>>>>>>>>> module Main
>>>>>>>>>> import Effects
>>>>>>>>>> import Effect.StdIO
>>>>>>>>>> hello : Eff () [STDIO]
>>>>>>>>>> hello = let ha = StdIO.putStr "ha" in ha *> ha
>>>>>>>>>> main : IO ()
>>>>>>>>>> main = run hello
>>>>>>>>>> It prints "ha" twice, despite being a strict language. I presume,
>>>>>>>>>> but am not sure, this is because the effect time requires it to be
>>>>>>>>>> re-evaluated each time.
>>>>>>>>> Well, the type of "hello" says that the computation will use the
>>>>>>>>> STDIO effect as many times as is necessary. The way the computation is
>>>>>>>>> constructed, it is meant to issue commands in a given sequence.
>>>>>>>>> One peculiarity of PureScript is that of handling effects via the
>>>>>>>>> algebraic effects approach. It's not easy to do in a high-performance 
>>>>>>>>> way,
>>>>>>>>> because you need a call/cc construct present in the language, and 
>>>>>>>>> moreover
>>>>>>>>> a 'multi-shot' one at that (i.e. the continuation *may* be invoked 
>>>>>>>>> zero,
>>>>>>>>> once or more times by the effect interpreter). In ATS a simpler way 
>>>>>>>>> is to
>>>>>>>>> use template functions to define effects differently (e.g. during 
>>>>>>>>> testing
>>>>>>>>> and during the actual execution) -- it's constrained compared to the
>>>>>>>>> call/cc for sure, but then you don't have to pay the price of the 
>>>>>>>>> call/cc
>>>>>>>>> plumbing. Another thing about PureScript is that it uses row types to 
>>>>>>>>> track
>>>>>>>>> the set of effects that a given Eff computation may involve during its
>>>>>>>>> evaluation.
>>>>>>>> Not that it will invalidate anything you just said, but the above
>>>>>>>> code was Idris, but they may be similar in this regard (not sure). I 
>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>> to look into call/cc more at some point - not very familiar with this 
>>>>>>>> idea.
>>>>>>>> But I like where you are going with templates in ATS!
>>>>>>> Haha, right! I mixed them up. I do remember reading about effects in
>>>>>>> both languages! And I think they are pretty similar, except in Idris, 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> have a type-level list of effects, whereas in PureScript, it is instead 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> row of effects. So, pretty similar from the POV of using it. I think. :)
>>>>>>>>> So in short, if we view the programs as creating commands, and
>>>>>>>>> then some kind of external interpreter that executes them, then it all
>>>>>>>>> matches up. The programs might be quite pure and non-side-effecting 
>>>>>>>>> (except
>>>>>>>>> for non-termination aka infinite looping runtime exceptions), the
>>>>>>>>> interpreter will perform the effects. Here's a pseudocode for the
>>>>>>>>> interpreter:
>>>>>>>>> // the command sub-language
>>>>>>>>> datatype Command = Print of string | Nop | Seq of (command,
>>>>>>>>> command)
>>>>>>>>> extern
>>>>>>>>> fun runCommand (c:Command): void
>>>>>>>>> extern
>>>>>>>>> fun seq (c:Command, Command): Command
>>>>>>>>> extern
>>>>>>>>> fun cprint (s:string): Command
>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>> seq (c1, c2) = Seq (c1, c2)
>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>> cprint (s) = Print s
>>>>>>>>> // the interpreter itself
>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>> runCommand (c) = case+ c of Nop => (*done!*) | Print s => print
>>>>>>>>> (s) | Seq (c1, c2) => (runCommand(c1); runCommand(c2))
>>>>>>>>> Now let's assume the Command is abstract for the rest of the
>>>>>>>>> program (and only the runCommand, seq and print are exposed). We can 
>>>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>>>> write:
>>>>>>>>> val hello = let val h = cprint "hi" in seq (h, h) end // here.
>>>>>>>>> twice the effect!
>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>> main0 () = runCommand hello
>>>>>>>>> The "hello" itself is free of side-effects (or so it seems to
>>>>>>>>> me!). We might need to lazily evaluate stuff here (e.g. to enable 
>>>>>>>>> looping,
>>>>>>>>> where you need to give the interpreter the chance to run side-by-side 
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> your expression). Or we need a more poweful "seq" (i.e. the Haskell's
>>>>>>>>> "bind" operator for stitching together the commands such that the 
>>>>>>>>> left-hand
>>>>>>>>> side has to be evaluated to a value that is then fed to the 
>>>>>>>>> right-hand side
>>>>>>>>> -- i.e. incrementally built-up as it's being evaluated by the 
>>>>>>>>> interpeter).
>>>>>>>>> In Haskell, the type Command is termed "IO" (with an additional
>>>>>>>>> type parameter to signify the result type of the command) and the
>>>>>>>>> interpreter is somewhere in the runtime system.
>>>>>>>> Nice to see that the basis of an interpreter can be created so
>>>>>>>> easily! I guess to make it feasible to program in, in addition to the
>>>>>>>> issues you just mentioned, some primitive standard library functions 
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> need to be wrapped up as 'Command' functions just as you did with 
>>>>>>>> cprint;
>>>>>>>> another way to do this might be to ascribe certain effect types to 
>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>> primitives using e.g praxi. Functions that build on these primitives 
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> then accumulate effects - perhaps some effects could even be consumed, 
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> not sure. Also not sure how the interpreter would deal with some values
>>>>>>>> have more than one effect type: Haskell seems to use the idea of monad
>>>>>>>> transformers to get around this but I do not find it particularly
>>>>>>>> satisfying so far
>>>>>>> In Haskell there exists special support for the IO monad in the
>>>>>>> runtime and in the compiler; without such support I don't think it will 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> feasible to program in this way (since we will have to pay the price for
>>>>>>> the construction of terms even in the simplest of cases!).
>>>>>>>> Still need to look into effects and how to encode different effect
>>>>>>>> types - I seem to recall ATS actually had build in support for effects 
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> the type level at some point.
>>>>>>> Well, in my post I was talking mostly about algebraic effect
>>>>>>> handlers, and in ATS we have effect types. The former I'm interested in
>>>>>>> mostly because of modular testing. The latter, I think, is used mostly 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> tracking the dynamic terms that can be safely erased from the program 
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> no change to said program's behavior.
>>>>>>>> Do you have or plan on having a repo to play around with this idea?
>>>>>>>> If not I may try to start one (at some point).
>>>>>>> Well, I'll post it as a gist on github. I think there does exist a
>>>>>>> connection between the algebraic effect handlers and function templates
>>>>>>> that I would like to pursue, but I'm short on time.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 11:33:35 PM UTC-4, Brandon Barker
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 8:18 PM gmhwxi <gmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> One can definitely build a monad-based library to support IO:
>>>>>>>>>>>> absvtype IO(a:vt@ype) = ptr
>>>>>>>>>>> If really using monads, would it also be reasonable to do (or
>>>>>>>>>>> ideally start at Functor and then build up to Monad):
>>>>>>>>>>> absvtype Monad(a:vt@ype) = ptr
>>>>>>>>>>> somewhat as discussed at
>>>>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/ats-lang-users/gLiMU29C77c/sIjtqzmCBAAJ
>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem with IO monad is that it is so broad. With linear
>>>>>>>>>>>> types,
>>>>>>>>>>>> a programmer can specify a lot more precisely.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree. But my limited and slowly changing experience suggests
>>>>>>>>>>> that IO is a good starting point to help ensure purity in the rest 
>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>>> code that doesn't have effects; IO can typically be refined later to
>>>>>>>>>>> different types of Effects, I suppose.
>>>>>>>>>>>> >>is that ATS doesn't (by default?) model an IO effect.
>>>>>>>>>>>> No, it doesn't if you use the default library. But nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>> prevents you
>>>>>>>>>>>> from tracking IO effects in ATS.
>>>>>>>>>>> So in this case, one would create an alternative 'main' that
>>>>>>>>>>> must be composed of IO values. But what is to stop somewhat from 
>>>>>>>>>>> calling
>>>>>>>>>>> print in a function returning an IO, for instance? Thus violating 
>>>>>>>>>>> the IO
>>>>>>>>>>> contract.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In the book you mentioned in your message, I was really
>>>>>>>>>>>> thinking of
>>>>>>>>>>>> views for specifying memory layouts. With linear views, a
>>>>>>>>>>>> programmer
>>>>>>>>>>>> can be very precise in describing what memory a function can
>>>>>>>>>>>> access/update.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Compared to state monads, this kind of precision is unmatched.
>>>>>>>>>>> Agreed. Maybe a separate effect type for STDIO, STDIN, etc would
>>>>>>>>>>> be a better starting point. Even in Haskell, I've seen some authors 
>>>>>>>>>>> frown
>>>>>>>>>>> on State since it is, in their view, a bit dishonest and not much 
>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>> htan IO (or maybe not better at all; see "false purity" at
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern).
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 1:28:42 PM UTC-4, Brandon Barker
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 9:30:40 AM UTC-4, Brandon
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Barker wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Artyom,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm also grappling with the issue of RT in this case as I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so far only thought about it in terms of function calls, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what you and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vanessa say helped me to understand the issue. Though I haven't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get ATS to have the same behavior as OCaml in the "let 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expression" above, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspect it is possible. The key phrase here seems to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "side-effecting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expression", and relates to the fact that functions in ATS can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perform side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects without having any effect type or IO monad ascribed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (again, iirc).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, maybe that isn't the real key - the real key, I now
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think, is that ATS doesn't (by default?) model an IO effect. In 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> section 6.9
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://ats-lang.sourceforge.net/DOCUMENT/INT2PROGINATS/PDF/main.pdf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is mentioned that using both linear and dependent types may be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> used to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do this, though I think the suggestion here is for more than 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> printing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> e.g. STDOUT.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If anyone has looked at modeling/enforcing an IO-like effect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> type in ATS, I'd be interested to see it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps tonight I should try out the same in Idris or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PureScript, which are not lazily evaluated by default but do use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IO, to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a better understanding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 3:17:46 AM UTC-4, Artyom
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shalkhakov wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Brandon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admittedly I don't really understand what RT is, but from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what I understand, in Haskell the expression like [print "ha"] 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is basically
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a command to the top-level interpreter (which is the language 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime) to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perform an effect on the console (moreover, it will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluated on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as-needed basis). Moreover, the ";" is itself another comand, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the explicit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sequencing command, the meaning of which is "perform the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> left-hand side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects, then perform the right-hand side effects". Such a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value, so it can be passed as a value and reused as many times 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> necessary. In ATS, the expression like [print "ha"] evaluates 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to a void/"no value", and the ";" is also NOT a value at all, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but rather a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "shortcut" syntax to a "let-in-end" form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like to imagine an interpreter that sits in the Haskell's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime. Values of IO type are commands to this interpreter. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Typical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haskell IO-based programs are building up these commands as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they are being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluated by the runtime. The runtime starts evaluation at the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "main"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expression defined by the programmer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> чт, 21 мар. 2019 г. в 03:45, Brandon Barker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brandon...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a little rusty, so can't come up with many good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apparently it is possible to do something like this in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OCaml:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main0 () = {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   val () = let
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     val ha = print("ha")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     (ha; ha) // How to get two ha's here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After running the program, you would only see one "ha",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which violates RT.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, ATS doesn't seem to allow a sequence expression in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the "in" position of a let expression, as this doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compile. Admittedly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm just trying to see if ATS2 doesn't have RT in this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular case, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it would also be good to know about the sequence expressions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
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