Thanks for response.

понедельник, 5 августа 2019 г., 17:56:43 UTC пользователь gmhwxi написал:
> If I understand correctly, I think I have dealt with this issue before.
> When an iterator is taken out, you can stop the object from being used 
> until
> the iterator is returned. For instance, the 'minus' view in 
> PATSHOME/prelude/SATS/extern.sats
> is precisely introduced for this purpose.

Unfortunately, I am only starting to learn ATS2, so if you can provide a 
simple snippet (not compilable, just to get an idea), which will contain 
main points how `minus` will prevent such errors, that will be great 
starting point for me to investigate another working approaches, that can 
address described issue.

>From your description, I imagine, that we can define 
gtk_tree_selection_with_selected (like in Haskell example above), which we 
can use like this:
fn handler(tree: ptr) = gtk_tree_view_delete_by_index(tree, 0)(* ffi call, 
which removes first row, any iterator is now point to invalid row*)
implement main0(argc,argv) =
   val tree = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (...)
   val () = g_signal_connect ("CHDIR", handler, tree)
   val () = gtk_tree_view_selection_with_selected( lam iterator => 
                val () = gtk_tree_view_set_color iterator Blue (* some 
valid action with iterator *)
                val () = g_signal_emit ("CHDIR") (* valid, because ATS is 
not pure, but ATS is somehow will know, that handler will make `iterator` 
to be invalid? *)
                val () = gtk_tree_view_set_color iterator Green (* compile 
time error: iterator is invalid ? *)
Given, that iterator is represented as a pointer to GtkTreeIter from gtk2 
and `gtk_tree_view_delete_by_index` is ffi call to some gtk2 function, that 
actually deletes row, which makes any iterator to be invalid. Am I got it 
right? It seems quite optimistic.

> To me, a fundamental issue with the IO monad is its lack of precision. Why 
> just one IO? Not IO1,
> IO2, etc. Say we have two programs P1 and P2; if P1 only uses IO1 and P2 
> only uses IO2, then
> they can execute in parallel (assuming that IO1 and IO2 are disjoint). If 
> we lump IO1 and IO2 into
> IO, then parallel execution of P1 and P2 is no longer considered type-safe.
> The point of `IO` data type in pure language is not about precision. It's 
purpose is to control where the source and distribution of side-effects in 
your program.
In haskell, it is done in an opposite way: you have one `IO`, that can do 
anything and you can split some subset of actions into `IO1`, `IO2` and so 
on and the rules how to evaluate (in parallel or in sequence). In fact, it 
is very common approach in haskell to define typeclasses for each IO 
effect, that is being used in program, like
class Monad m => UsesFileSystem m where
  openFile :: String-> IOMode-> m Handle

class Monad m => UsesNetwork m where
  socket :: SocketFamily-> SocketType-> m Socket

 :: ( UsesFileSystem m
    , UsesNetwork m
    , Monad m
 => m ()
some_custom_action = do
 h <- openFile "test" ReadOnly
 s <- socket AF_UNIX Datagram
 return ()
which helps with mock tests by allowing usage of `some_custom_action` for 
any monad, that has appropriate instances

In the haskell example above, I had defined `IteratorM` datatype and monad, 
which can be treated as subset of IO (or IO1 from your example) with number 
of actions in it (like `gtk_tree_view_iter_set_color`). The whole purpose 
of it is to forbid composition such `IO1` with other `IO` actions 
(including any other `IO2` actions) and to consider such composition as not 
type-safe. I see no point to run `IteratorM` and `IO2` in parallel as such 
uncontrolled mixing is the source of described issue in a first place.

But, maybe, I just didn't get what you mean in your example with `IO1` and 

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