Hi Arash,

> Thanks for your response.  This syntax is actually standard LaTeX, e.g.:

>     \documentclass{article}

>     \begin{document}
>     \_
>     \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}*{2}{l}r}
>       1 & 2 & some longish text \\
>       1 & 2 & some text         \\ \hline
>     \end{tabular}
>     \_
>     \end{document}

Oh, sorry.  You are right.  I should have tested more carefully.

> The lack of support for this was the main motivation for me to extend
> `LaTeX-array-count-columns'.

That seems to me an enough reason to do so.

> I think we are not closing that door.  If someone wants to write a style
> for tabu.sty, he/she can (and probably should) go the route you're
> suggesting.

> In general, I also think that `latex.el' should support vanilla LaTeX,
> but since the overhead for `\begin{tabular}{X[foo = bar]}' support is
> quite low, I think we can leave it in `LaTeX-array-count-columns'.

I see.  That's fine with me.

> I should also mention that one could write

>     \documentclass{article}

>     \begin{document}
>     \_
>     \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}*2lr}
>       1 & 2 & some longish text \\
>       1 & 2 & some text         \\ \hline
>     \end{tabular}
>     \_
>     \end{document}

> Note the missing braces around 2 and l.  While LaTeX compiles this
> happily, my code chokes due to missing braces.  But I consider this a
> feature :-)


Hmm, this style is confusing.  I think good LaTeX users should avoid
omitting braces like this example, so I agree that this should be
regarded as feature.

Ikumi Keita

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