Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

>>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:
>>> +    '("keywords" 1)
>>> +    '("subjclass" ["Year"] "List of subjects")
>>> +    '("thanks" 1)      
>> This is already available in latex.el, so it can be removed here.
> Subjclass is *not* defined defined in latex, I am confused here

My comment applied only to line directly above it; not to others further

>>> +    '("title" ["Short Title"] "Title")
>>> +    '("urladdr" 1))
>> I think it makes sense to declare this as a verbatim macro, we insert:
>> (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local "email")
>> (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local "urladdr")
>>> +   (TeX-run-style-hooks "amsmath" "amsthm")
>>> +   (LaTeX-add-environments "abstract")
>>> +   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
>>> +              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
>>> +     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("author" "[{")
>>> +                                ("contrib" "[{")
>>> +                                ("curraddr" "{")
>>> +                                ("email" "{")
>>                                    ("email" "")
>> Remove the brace since is done by syntactic fontification.
> For curraddr etc as well

Only if you add it to `LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local' as well.
IIUC \address and \curraddr are snail mail addresses and not URI's?

>>> +                                ("dedicatory" "{")
>>> +                                ("keywords" "{")
>>> +                                ("subjclass" "[{")
>>> +                                ("title" "[{")
>>> +                                ("thanks" "{")
>> Already in font-latex.el
> Subjclass is also not in font-latex.el, are you using top-quoting here?

Again, my comment was meant for "thanks" only, sorry if I was imprecise.

Best, Arash

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