Arash Esbati <> writes:

> Hi,
> happy new year to all.  I have a problem building AUCTeX from the git
> repo where pdftex-ing the manual (auctex.texi) fails.  I think this is
> an issue with the latest texinfo which is
>   \def\texinfoversion{2023-01-02.21}
> provided by TeXlive.  Steps to reproduce in a shell:
>  • In doc/ directory, do 'make clean'
>  • Then do 'pdftex auctex.texi'
>  • And again 'pdftex auctex.texi'
> The first run passes, the second one says:
> (./auctex.toc
> ! Argument of @TeX has an extra }.
> <inserted text>
>                 @par
> <to be read again>
>                    }
> @dosecentry ...leftskip =@tocindent @tocentry {#1}
>                                                   {#2}@endgroup
> l.4 ...ntry{Overview of AUC@TeX }{1.1}{Summary}{3}
> ?
> Can others reproduce this?

It needs to be written AUC@TeX{} .  Maybe the toc code errouneously
strips the braces? ...  Oops.  In doc/macros.texi, we have


This would indeed cause this problem.  Maybe try


instead of the second line?  That would not strip but retain the braces.
It would inhibit kerning after @TeX{}, like when writing @TeX{}O, but I
don't think that should be a relevant problem.  Worth a try.

David Kastrup

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