2014-11-19 14:37 GMT+01:00 Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org>:
> Mosè Giordano <m...@gnu.org> writes:
> Hi Mosè,
>>>> Debbugs has been enabled for AUCTeX, then from now on every new
>>>> email to bug-auc...@gnu.org will open a new ticket on debbugs, to
>>>> which you should reply by writing to n...@debbugs.gnu.org, with NNN
>>>> being the ticket number (if you reply by writing to
>>>> bug-auc...@gnu.org you'll open a *new* ticket).
>>> Phew, do you know what happens if someone replies to an existing
>>> (pre-debbugs) bug report?  I hope that won't create a new report...
>> Unfortunately it will, this is the drawback of the transition period.
> Ah, I hoped that debbugs would be so clever and treat messages with
> References header differently.
> BTW, what's now with the gmane.emacs.auctex.bugs newsgroup gateway to
> the bug-auctex mailing list?  Should we request that it is made
> read-only (as a kind of archive) or deleted altogether?

Sorry, I don't know what you are referring to.

> And the same
> question applies to the bug-auctex list itself.  Does that still receive
> bugs reported with `TeX-submit-bug-report', i.e., mails sent to
> bug-auctex?

Yes, of course.  See for example the bug mailing lists of the GNU
packages listed here: http://debbugs.gnu.org/Packages.html

>> The ticket already present for the AUCTeX package (should we close it?
>> IIRC the number of warnings has been reduced)
> Yeah, we made it from 300 warnings down to 270.  That can easily be
> considered as "fixed". ;-)

That's a 10% decrease, very good!

> Fun aside: I'd suggest to just let it there.  Maybe it'll motivate
> someone to squash some other warnings.

Ok, fine with me.

>> is also a follow-up of an existing bug report, so we are accustomed to
>> that ;-)
> Yes, but we should try to keep that transition phase short.  For
> example, if the bug-auctex list is basically offline now, we could
> inform all its subscribers of the switch to debbugs.

Read above, no one needs to change their subscription ;-)


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