I got this e-mail... maybe because i translate/contribute to Audacity...
Maybe someone could do something about it so i don't get spam like 
this... if possible.

From: Joao Pimentel <j...@ecomp.poli.br>
Subject: C++ Package Managers

Hi scootergrisen,
We all have had problems with dependencies and builds in our C++
projects, right?
Package managers are promising tools for helping with that, as observed
in the JavaScript and Ruby communities.

You are being invited to this research due to your contributions to
Whether you're in favor or against package managers please let your
voice be heard and contribute to a research project by answering a brief
questionnaire: https://survey.andreldm.com/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=1

There will be a giveaway of three $10 Amazon vouchers for participants
who wish to partake on it.

If you have any doubt or concern, please feel free to contact Andre at
a...@ecomp.poli.br or answer this e-mail.

Joao Pimentel
UPE - University of Pernambuco, Brazil

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