Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I think you are all thinking about this from the wrong perspective.  Forgive my French, but fuck what the hacker(s) want(s) or not.  Swamp has become a diseased limb in terms of its effects on Aprone's time and resources.  It's time my friends, let Swamp go and look forward to something better, with better security baked in from the git-go.  Will it be perfect, perhaps not.  But a game that was never intended as anything but a small Halloween project has had a nearly two year run.  Now it's costing development time on new projects, such as the headsets, the RPG, and probably the most important, the braille display.  I for one am happy to raise a glass to the euthanasia of Swamp and move on.
Now, in fairness, i don't play much anymore, and haven't had nearly the investment in the game since the announcement of the end of official development, since other than bug fixes, there was nothing new to look forward to.  My perspective is certainly not then the perspective of people who still play and love the game in its current state.  I acknowledge that were Aprone to take it down for good, it would be a wrench to a lot of people, and I cannot judge for Aprone the value of that v. the lost value in the development of other projects.  But as for me, I say take it down, and have an application process for the next one that allows Aprone to connect players of this game with future players so that malefactors can be banned before they even get in.


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