Epitaph Officially Released

I know that the Epitaph mud has been discussed once before here, but at that point, it was still 0.5 alpha.  Now that 1.0 is finally open for players, I hope another mention won't go amiss! 

The TL;DR version:
website: http://www.epitaphonline.co.uk
host: epitaphonline.co.uk
port: 6789
description: Taken from the website. We're a zombie apocalypse text MMO set twenty minutes into the future on our very own Planet Earth. Our world is not derived from any particular zombie mythos or theme, but we've incorporated elements from many different sources - World War Z, Left 4 Dead, Romero and 28 Days Later - as well as plenty of our own thoughts and paranoid fantasies. If you like the post apocalypse, and zombies in particular, why not 'play now' and check us out?

My thoughts, if anyone cares:  The accessibility features myself and, I think, several others mentioned, to D rakkos are in for the release.  Just type screenreader on to get them.  They include:
1.  conversation keywords, displayed in colour for sighted players, are displayed for us in braces {like this}.  If you are using NVDA, set your punctuation level to most for the best experience.
2.  The contents of a room is shown *before* the room description.  This makes it quick to see if the room has zombies or other horrors, without having to read the entire long description.
3.  Text based mapping! Typing map shows a text based map of your surroundings.
4.  Some other things I'm sure I'm missing.

I really do think that this should probably get a listing in the database, as lots of work has been done already, and the administration seems commited to continued improvement. 

This is, honestly, the first unforgivingly hard mud I have actually enjoyed.  It's got unique mechanics, and you don't l ose eq or cash on death.  You don't even die. Other bad things happen to you instead.  This is clever and interesting and I love it to bits.  Roleplay is not required, but it is fully supported, complete with rp points.  The game takes place on earth, so the little roleplay there is, I find much easier to engage with.  Because I can just be...a scottish version of myself, really.  If you enjoy a gritty atmosphere, why not come give this a shot?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=145134#p145134

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