paypal transfer a little help?

Hi guys,
the topic subject isn't creative mnor it is ment to be tongue.
there is a friend of mine and his birthday is comeing up. Since he is interested in audiogames and such,I thought,what the hell,why not gift him a few of his favourites.
Here is the trouble. that friend is the only one that has a paypal account,while I have payed him the money and all to use his account,if I go and buy games using the same account, he'll know and that will spoile the hole surprise thing.
if someone from here could give me a hand I could get him the games and keep it a surprise,too.
here is how I have planned it should go. since I have told him that I need to transfer the money to someone I owe, I could transfer the money to x's paypal account and then x could buy the games for me.
I plan on useing around $100 but have an extra 50,just in case. if you were w illing to help me out, I wouldn't ask you to buy first,rather I'd transfer the $$ to you first and then ask you to buy and gift the software to so and so email address. you can either mail me at my email address
or reply here. you could also send me a pm,but since I don't check my inbox  often I could miss it.


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