Re: paypal transfer a little help?

Ahoy all!
Tis the 4th of october,and smugglers series has been smuggled into my friends email ID. in this smuggleing process our mate,Sebby has been instrumental. alas,the shipment of dwarfs,elfse,nude human slaves to be cast into the dungeons and other nasties has been delayed a bit. We await the dungeon master,jason.
Getting a bit serious, alls been done with and over. Thanks to sebby I was able to give the smugglers series as a gift to my friend,who's birthday is today. We also planned on entombed and it will come true in the future,no one knows when,though. Seriously, Entombed I say entombed here because that's the one I have experience with needs to provide options. if for nothing else,than the email address,at least.
The process was eazy,there were a few things we hadn't thought of,but sebby smoothed those over
I would like to thank sebby for helping with the process,without him, the surprise wouldn't have been possible. and for his pations,too. smile
Anyway,I await my friends reaction,it certainly will be quite a surprise. although the sm5 was supposed to be the iceing on the cake,I guess he can make do with the iceing for a while. besides he doesn't know that I have perchased entombed yet! so it can be a surprise also,when and as it comes.


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